Monday, November 9, 2009

A Whole Year

Jeff and I celebrated our first wedding anniversay on October 31st. I can't believe it's already been a year. I have to say that it's been a great year. Jeff's been a great husband and my best friend. I'm glad that I get to spend the I get to spend the rest of my life with him.

Goodbye Ash

My zoo of animals has decreased by one. My hamster, Ash, passed away two weeks ago. I thought that something may have been wrong with him since he wasn't eating his treats like he used to. I wasn't always the greatest with him, but I was very sad that he died. He was always such a good little guy. He'll be missed.

I'm Back!

Despite my post a few months back that I was going to get back into my blog, I never did. I guess I get easily distracted. I finally feel like really giving it another try. So we'll see how that goes!!!

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

It's Diabolical!

About a year ago I played a great puzzle game for the Nintendo DS called Professor Layton and the Curious Village. I knew there was going to be a sequel since it actually mentions that in the instruction book for the game. And the time finally came. The sequel Professor Layton and the Diabolical box was released last Tuesday. It was the first DS game I've really looked forward to in a long time. I didn't get to pick it up until Thursday because of work. I've played it for just over 3 hours so far, and I absolutely love it. It's really just the same as the first game, but that's no problem for me. Professor Layton and his assistant Luke are attempting to solve the mystery of the Elysian Box that is rumored to cause the death of anyone who touches it. Along the way, you have to solve puzzles. There are all types of puzzles. Some are easy, some are hard. I have to admit that I've cheated a few times, but I'm still having a ton of fun with it. From the sounds of this one's instruction book, I think there will be more Professor Layton!!!

Sunday, August 23, 2009

I Have A Blog ?!?!

You may have noticed that I haven't been posting anything lately. Well...I actually kind of forget I even have blog to post anything on. I've been interested in random stuff recently so I haven't thought about posting at all. Perhaps I'll attempt to do better in the future.

Saturday, August 15, 2009

A New Car!

After a lot of debating, Jeff decided that it was time for a new car. He'd had is Kia Rio for 7 years, and it was starting to have a few problems. He was also interested in having a car that was a bit larger. The biggest reason I thought he should have a new car was that I couldn't drive the Kia. It had a manuel transmission, and I have no clue how to drive anything but an automatic. He attempted to teach me once, but it didn't end in me learning anything. He'll tell you that I freaked out (which might be a little true), while I'll tell you that he had no patience.

So Jeff started looking at cars on the website of the dealership where I got my Honda. He instantly fell in love with a 2003 Ford Taurus station wagon. We looked at it Monday night after the dealership closed, and he still liked it. Our plan was to go on Thursday to take a test drive, but on Wednesday, he noticed the price on the website had lowered. So we left work early and went over there. After a test drive, he decided he wanted it. I have to admit I was a bit hesitant. I had no problem with it being a station wagon, but I'm not a big Taurus fan. My mom had 2 of them, and I never really liked driving them. But I figured I could get used to it since Jeff liked it so much.

After having it around for a day, I'm glad he got it. It has some cool features that I really like. I also think it looks really nice. Plus, I'm super happy he has a car I can drive!

Thursday, August 13, 2009

What?...No Shorts Already?

So I have to admit that I've gained a little weight recently. Ever since we went to the 10 hour shifts, it seems like I do nothing but eat at work since it's so boring. My shorts all technically fit, but they're not as comfortable as I'd like them to be. Jeff and I are going to Las Vegas next month so I thought I should try to find some new shorts. I guess I decided to do this a little too late. Every store I went to had almost no shorts. And of the shorts they had, none were in my size. I know it's getting a little late in the summer, but I couldn't believe that it was impossible to find any shorts. Especially since all the stores had plenty of shorts for guys. We're going up to Lansing tomorrow for some family stuff. Perhaps I'll have to take a quick look around there.